Benefits of Outsourcing

The world has made some great improvement on how businesses are done. With the use of the Internet, the world has become more global. My Reliable Virtual Assistant understands that efficiency is important to stay ahead in this market. By outsourcing, you will be able to focus on building your business. Other benefits include:

Individual Approach – You get the personal touch. Allowing you to be able to communicate your needs with less possibility of confusion.

No Overhead Costs – By hiring a virtual assistant, you will not need to pay for office space or maintenance repair cost for computers, printers, copiers, telephones, etc. The virtual assistant provides all of that as part of the package.

No Benefits To Pay – This is a biggie, with the health care laws constantly changing, your company will not have to worry about paying increase health care premiums, vacation or sick pay nor will you be responsible to pay for worker’s compensation or retirement plans.

Pay for Work Performed – One of the reasons why My Reliable Virtual Assistant was created was to increase efficiency. So much time is wasted in a typical 40 hour work week. No one is productive the full eight hours of a day. By hiring a virtual assistant, you pay for the work performed. Virtual Assistant can give their full attention to your specific needs. You’re not paying for someone to socialize with their co-workers or to take excessive water breaks.

Latest Advances in Business Workflow – Being on top of industry trends is essential to the success of any Virtual Assistant Company. It is My Reliable Virtual Assistant business to stay educated on changes effecting the business world. This is done by affiliation with organizations memberships, continuing education and by following the business news in general and specifically for your industry.

Wealth of Knowledge At One Stop – As a virtual assistant company, My Reliable Virtual Assistant has access to other virtual assistants specializing in specific niches. Should our company not be able to service your needs  – we can easily refer you to another virtual assistant company that can.

These are just a few of the benefits of hiring a virtual assistant.

Want to learn more, contact me.